
You can reach us to Mildenberg in different directions. In the following, we will show you how to get there by car, bus, train, bike, canoe, boat or yacht.

Directions by car
Berliner Ring, A 10 to Kreuz Oranienburg, on to the B 96, direction Stralsund/Löwenberg, to Gransee (roundabout). Turn right in the direction of Zehdenick. Around 1 km behind Badingen, turn left. Please follow the signposting “Ziegeleipark Mildenberg”. You are now on the site of Ziegeleipark Mildenberg. After reaching the driveway to our premises, you just have to drive straight ahead. Now it is only 200 m to the marina “Neuer Hafen”. Please follow the signposting. We look forward to welcoming you aboard!

Directions by boat
We are located at the 22-kilometre mark of the upper Havel.

Directions by bus and train
We are located directly on the site of “Ziegeleipark Mildenberg”, only 100 m from its main entrance building. You can comfortably reach our place by public transport. From now on, the additional bus route No. 854 goes from train station Gransee to Ziegeleipark and back, at weekends, on holidays and days off. In Gransee there is a direct connection from the RE5 to/from Berlin. The bus No. 854 is – as opposed to bus No. 838 – not notifiable. Bus time table 854 und VBB-Flyer..

The regional train route RB12 (Berlin-Lichtenberg – Templin City) goes to Zehdenick (Mark) hourly every day. Search your individual route on the pages of the VBB (Transportation Authority of Berlin-Brandenburg). At Zehdenick train station you can switch over to bus No. 838 (Zehdenick – Fürstenberg/Havel) to go to bus stop Mildenberg/Ziegeleipark. Bus No. 838 goes Monday to Friday. During the holidays, special taxis with limited seat capacity for up to 7 passengers are being deployed. On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays the bus No. 838 goes hourly, connecting with train arrivals of RB12. Also available as on-call bus which has to be booked 90 minutes before departure by phone +49-(0)-3306–2307. Bus timetable 838. The tariffs of the VBB (Transportation Authority of Berlin-Brandenburg) is valid in the buses and trains. You may also use the “Brandenburg-Berlin-Ticket” for your journey here.

Directions by bike
Our marina at Ziegeleipark Mildenberg is located directly alongside the European long-distance bicycle path Berlin – Copenhagen. From train station Zehdenick to our place, it is only about 30 minutes by bike.

Route planning